Venta minorista mixta

Venta minorista mixta

Optimización de las operaciones de venta minorista mixta para garantizar la calidad y frescura de su selección de productos perecederos en crecimiento

Ensure Freshness, Reduce Waste and Improve Efficiency

Responding to increasing demand for economical, one-stop shopping, many retailers continue to expand their fresh food offerings. But maintaining profitability on that side of the business requires strategies to minimize food waste and maximize operational efficiencies.

Copeland helps retailers deliver on the promise of low food prices and high quality while shrinking their energy and environmental footprints.

Venta minorista mixta

El programa de detección de fugas reduce la huella de carbono del minorista y aumenta las ganancias.

Venta minorista mixta

La actualización digital representa una parte importante del cambio

Ensure Freshness, Reduce Waste and Improve Efficiency

Food Retail/Grocery Products

Pioneering Natural Refrigeration

Pioneering Natural Refrigeration

By transitioning its stand-alone refrigeration displays to R-290, Whole Foods Market is making the natural refrigerant a cornerstone of its refrigeration strategy.

Videos and Resources

Based on insights from recent research, consumers will continue to shape new retail formats through 2025.

¿Qué papel desempeñan los refrigerantes naturales en el área de venta minorista de alimentos?

Compatible con refrigerantes naturales

La tienda de comestibles implementa el sistema booster de CO2 en un clima más cálido

Cadena Nacional de Supermercados

Other Markets

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