Monitor your store and enterprise energy use to start saving money, energy, and effort
Copeland’s real-time monitoring and control equipment generate an average energy savings of 24%.
The smarter way to save energy
Our Energy Monitoring and Targeting service tracks inconsistencies in your energy performance that trigger notices, warnings, or alarms so you can take immediate action. Smart, virtual metering and automatic, web-based reports ensure you have all the information you need to make informed decisions while reducing consumption and cost.
Energy reporting includes:
Exception Report
- Set alarms based on predicted values from regression analysis
- Receive notification via email/SMS
- Define different actions for different days, meters, etc.
Day Comparison Graph
- Compare across sites or individual meters
- Compare against the previous date
- Compare all days or select specific days to see effects of changes
Base Load Analysis
- View graph of base load to identify when changes occur.
Monthly Charges Report
- Choose from standard or customizable report templates
- Create schedules for automatic email distribution
Regression Analysis
- Analyze energy usage based on selectable factor (degree days, CO2, etc.)
- Acquire basis for creating energy exceptions and alarms
Load Factor Analysis
- View maximum demand and load factor for a range of days
How can our ProAct services help you?
See how ProAct products can keep your customer satisfaction high and your operating costs low.