Copeland CO2 scroll technology
Visit the ARBS 2022 Emerson display at Stand 520

Emerson ushers in The New Cool by unveiling its innovative Copeland CO2 scroll technology.  This innovative solution for refrigeration systems enables customers to significantly reduce their system and installation costs as well as operation and maintenance costs. Emerson also provides customers with a solution that capitalizes on the use of CO2 as an environmentally friendly refrigerant, making an important contribution to addressing current and future challenges in commercial refrigeration.

Accordingly, the benefits of this new technology are not limited to cost reduction. It also provides Emerson’s customers with a solution that is highly efficient regardless of the climate zone. The use of CO2 as a refrigerant makes it particularly cost-effective and future-proof, as the natural refrigerant is not affected by more stringent regulation in this field.

Copeland CO2 scroll technology: Efficiency and compactness combined

Dynamic Vapor Injection (DVI) technology used in the new generation of Copeland CO2 scroll compressors enables CO2 refrigeration systems to operate easier and more efficiently in all climate zones. In addition, the new CO2 scroll compressors are available in fixed and variable speed allowing for more flexibility and high efficiency thanks to brushless permanent magnet (BPM) motor technology in combination with efficient drives. This results in the compressor always operating at optimal speed, rendering inefficient on-off operations obsolete.