Now Your Food Can Talk

And it has a lot to tell you. What happens to your cargo, happens to our sensor. With Emerson GO Real-Time temperature and location trackers, cold chain visibility is no longer a guessing game. Call for a demo today to learn how Emerson can help.

TALK - Cold Chain infographic
GOReal Time Trackers

GO Real-Time Trackers

GO Trackers allow you to view critical shipment details including temperature, humidity and location of perishable products in real-time. Set up proactive out-of-range alert notifications and view all data from a smartphone or desktop. Never lose sight of a cold chain shipment or your brand reputation with Emerson Cargo Solutions. 


OverSight Puts Critical Information at Your Fingertips

We know it’s not just a job, it’s your life. With our OverSight system and mobile app, you can now access real-time data about key shipments, including temperature, security, and location details all from the palm of your hand. Download the free app today from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store

go logger units

GO Loggers

Compact and flat, single use GO Loggers record time, temperature and humidity during distribution and storage. These disposable logging monitors are discrete and communicate data at the destination point via radio frequency, near-field communications, or USB. Stay on the GO and in control of your cold chain shipments with Emerson Cargo Solutions.

Call NOW for your personalized demo:


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