ProAct™ Transport adds value to every link in the chain with complete advanced reefer container management during intermodal transportation – onboard vessels, at terminals and during rail and road transport.
Linking to REFCON6 on vessels, ProAct™ Transport uniquely provides full end-to-end reefer monitoring and asset management for the intermodal cold chain.
Available as a combination of reefer container, vessel and rail subscription, you can be confident that your cargo and assets are visible at all stages of the intermodal cycle.

Remote monitoring minimizes the cost of manual reefer inspections. Automated features, such as datalog downloads and controller software updates, virtually remove direct cost to depots and ensure timely and correct handling of those important operations. Accountability reports highlight weak spots in your operation while enabling you to measure the quality of workmanship and equipment and take any necessary action.

Because you receive alerts – even before anyone has physically noticed a problem – the risk of spoiled perishable cargo is greatly reduced. Proactive alerts ensure that you spot potential issues early and improves both shelf life and customer satisfaction with your service.

Terminals and vessels are exposed places to work. ProAct Transport automates many routine reefer operations that are traditionally carried out manually. In this way, both the individual employee and overall workplace safety are significantly improved.

All reefer container and cargo condition data are automatically logged for documentation and claims purposes. ProAct Transport ensures that any irregularities, malfunctions or cargo threatening conditions are notified during transport and documented once the voyage is complete. This benefits your operation while offering the potential for providing customer transparency if required.

ProAct Transport automatically verifies all manual trip settings and issues early warning alarm notifications in the event of a mismatch. As well as reducing the risk of human error, the system offers a wide range of automated settings such as setpoints and efficiency operation modes.

Through powerful business intelligence management, ProAct Transport minimizes cargo loss in the container cold chain and makes overall processes and operations more efficient. This not only helps you maximize container usage. Improved logistics planning and tracking will contribute to minimizing environmental impact and reducing cargo losses and waste.