With a legacy spanning over 155 years, Vilter by Copeland stands as a foremost technology and engineering innovator in industrial compression systems, spearheading the energy transition towards highly sustainable solutions for biogas, refrigeration, and heating. Our steadfast dedication to technical innovation and leadership has positioned us as the preferred partner for district and process heating applications, offering modular, scalable, and robust solutions.
Industrial Heat Pumps | Vilter by Copeland
Industrial heat pumps offer significant potential for reducing carbon emissions in various operations worldwide. Leading food and beverage processors have embraced these heat pumps, halving energy usage and saving millions of gallons of water annually. Unlike many other promising sustainability solutions, heat pumps are a proven, mature technology commercially available today.
To achieve the global decarbonization of industry by 2050, the development and implementation of scalable heat pump solutions is essential.
Standard x Flexible = Scalable
This equation represents a new approach to expedite the energy transition to a sustainable future. With a focus towards a scalable, modular package, Vilter is helping push the adoption of industrial heat pump technology - while making decarbonization a key priority for industrial applications.
- Remove the complexity of quoting, installing, and servicing
- Ensure the longevity of your operations, while minimizing service intervals
- Configure to your application needs and maximize COP
Purpose-built and expertly-crafted to decarbonize heating, the Vilter heat pump solutions are backed by the foundational elements of performance, reliability, and simplicity.
Think big: Simple heat pump solutions above 1 megawatt
Copeland research and development is proving the advantages of medium to large scale industrial heat pumps. Current food and beverage processing and district heating applications illustrate how the demand for electrification of space and water heating accelerates with industrial grade heat pumps from 1 – 5 MW using ultra-low GWP natural refrigerants.
Learn more in this comprehensive primer, highlighting the key considerations and strategies for applying heat pumps in commercial and industrial markets.