Through groundbreaking innovations, HVACR technology and cold-chain solutions, we are reducing carbon emissions and improving energy efficiency in spaces of all sizes, from residential to commercial to industrial.

Uniting the industry’s most trusted products
Built on more than a century of leadership and innovation as a compressor brand, we’re now uniting the industry’s most trusted products under the Copeland brand portfolio. This move marks a new era of integrated, cohesive solutions focused on the development of next-gen, energy-efficient and low-GWP technologies. Learn how we're leading decarbonization efforts in the industries we serve and helping to ensure a more sustainable future.

Copeland Select Software
Gain access to our comprehensive product information via our selection software tool.

Careers At Copeland
At Copeland we believe in giving you the platform to reach your full potential. And together we’ll make a real impact for people and the planet.